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Insurance Requirements


All film productions shooting in public space controlled by the DC government are required to provide a copy of their certificate of liability insurance for $1M per occurrence. The insurance certificate must be received in our office a minimum of one (1) business day prior to your first day of filming. We strongly recommend getting your COI certificate to us as soon as you apply to ensure we have sufficient time to review. Knowingly provide false information in connection with your film permit application process could result in the immediate revocation of your film permit.


Students do need to provide liability insurance coverage, and should consult with their school to see if the school can assist in any way.


All insurance documents MUST indemnify the Government of the District of Columbia, and name the following legal entity as additional insured on the document (see example COI below):


The Government of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004


Example of a Certificate of Insurance (COI)

Example of Certificate of Insurance(COI)