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Mayor's Executive Order on Government Video Production

Policy for the Production of Video Programming by District Government Agencies
The District of Columbia Office of Cable Television, Film, Music & Entertainment (OCTFME) is responsible for the coordination, management and oversight of District government television channels and the programming that appears on those channels. As a part of OCTFME's duties, it produces programming and provides coverage of events and proceedings that concern the District government and community. OCTFME provides coverage of hearings and proceedings before the Council of the District of Columbia, events organized by the Mayor and executive branch government agencies, and other events that take place within the District of Columbia. Additionally, OCTFME produces original programming for the purpose of providing information to District residents.
The Mayor's Order is applicable to all District government department, agencies and offices under the authority of the Mayor. The Order establishes the responsibilities of District agencies regarding the creation of audio-visual information. Specifically, the Order establishes parameters designed to ensure that the agencies' messages are consistent with the communications of the Mayor and the District government. In addition, it ensures that government resources are used in the most efficient manner possible.