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Customer Service Bill of Rights

Image of a book and a gavel

As a District cable television consumer, you have the following rights:
1. Consumers are entitled to receive high-quality cable television service including a clear picture and programming that meets consumer needs.
2. Consumers should expect to be notified at least 48 hours in advance of any scheduled interruption of cable television service.
3. Consumers have the right to receive dependable service, free of unnecessary outages. Consumers shall be credited one-day’s worth of service upon request for any service outage over 4 hours, and automatically for any outage over 12 hours.
4. Consumers are entitled to receive at least 30 days notice, prior to any changes in programming, channel line-up, rates or terms of service.
5. Consumers have the right to speak with a customer service representative by telephone within a reasonable amount of time or in person and receive courteous, professional and knowledgeable assistance from such representative.
6. Consistent with applicable law, consumers are entitled to request and to receive an appointment within 7 days of ordering service for a standard installation or upgrade of services.
7. Consumers are entitled to the prompt repair of service interruption or television reception problems. Total loss of picture shall be repaired within 24 hours of a consumer’s notification to a cable operator. All other reception problems must be repaired within 48 hours of consumer’s request.
8. Consumers are entitled to schedule service appointments to occur within a reasonable period of the day and not to exceed a 4-hour appointment window.
9. Consumers have the right to an accurate monthly bill that contains all pertinent information including: payment due date, an itemized listing of all charges and fees and the late fee assessment date.
10. Consumers have the right to disconnect service at no charge, except for the payment of any outstanding account balance.
11. Consumers are entitled to have appointments honored by the cable operator. An appointment may not be cancelled by the cable operator after close-of-business of the day prior to the appointment without reasonable attempts to contact the consumer on location.
12. Consumers are entitled to receive a copy of the work order describing all work performed during an appointment.
13. Spanish-speaking consumers have the right at all times to speak to a Spanish-speaking service representative.
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
(202) 671-0066
Contact TTY: 
Service Location: 

1899 9th Street NE

GIS Address: 
1899 9th Street NE