November 2013 Filmmaker of the Month - Todd Clark

In 1990, Todd Clark founded ONANON Productions, an independent live stage event and audio/video production company in Washington, D.C. For the past 18 years, he has created EMMY award-winning, educational, inspirational, documentary, promotional, original and public affairs video productions; as well as advocacy campaigns, media workshops, and live stage events, with a focus on tribute galas and fundraisers for international and community outreach programs. His recent project is directing the documentary on the famed Lincoln Theatre which has been supported by a grant from the D.C Commission on the Arts and Humanities and the U street Theater Foundation. He was just awarded a “Who’s a Washingtonian” grant by the Humanities Council of D.C. to continue work on the Lincoln project.

His academic and early career focus was in sustainability and renewable energy. His client list includes large, small, non-profit and international agencies and corporate clients; local and federal governments; state and county health departments; national trade associations; and a wide range of renowned choreographers and dance companies.

Recently, Todd founded and now hosts, a progressive on-line video magazine about culture, commerce, sustainability and community service. The web site features co-host driven web spots, exclusive studio interviews, local blogs, and resources and inks about ways to Enjoy, Volunteer, and “Go Green” in the DMV area. TheDCPLACE is also exclusive video producer of the Embassy Series and includes coverage of regional arts presenting organizations, festivals, renowned artists, performers, cultural associations, local businesses, green initiatives, and volunteer-based community service organizations. The site also provides media sponsorship for local, regional and national festivals, artists and organizations.

Todd wrote and directed the AIDS documentary, “The Stories Behind the Red Ribbon”, for which he was awarded an EMMY in the category for Public Affairs- Hard Issues. Other notable awards include the League of Washington Theater’s Offstage Award, the Public Affairs Council PAC Video Cinema Award, and a nomination for Excellence in Stage Design and Multi-Media by the Metro DC Dance Awards for his video installation work with nationally renowned choreographer, Boris Willis.

Todd also has conducted, prepped and directed hundreds of on-camera interviews with members of the United States Senate and Congress and the Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; President George H.W. Bush; international dignitaries; legislative leaders; community-based organization directors and staff; youth gang members; leading business CEO’s. He also has served as the MC/Host of the Monday Night Performing Series at the National Theater for the past 12 years.

Todd has provided extensive workshop instruction with a variety of school systems, community service organizations and county and local governments, including: The Westchester Health Department, The District Department of the Environment-Summer Youth Employment Program, End Time Harvest Ministries, the Corcoran Community Outreach program, Sasha Bruce Youthwork, and the Port Towns Youth Council. He also offers media training for vocal talent, including voice-over training, as well workshops for specialty voice training for cartoon and commercial work. His Master Class, Actor Intro Video series was initiated upon request of the Actors Center in Washington, D.C. and has been offered through the National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts and available as one-one workshops.

Todd’s 1996 direct appeal PSA series for Greenpeace, International ran on television stations in media markets throughout the northwest and Alaska. In 2004, Todd released his documentary on the Anacostia River, “Anacostia: Restoring the People’s River”, a study of the renewal and clean-up by community groups and volunteers of this historically polluted urban river. The video premiered at the Smithsonian’s Building Museum and has been featured at numerous national and international film festivals, including the 2005, 2006 Environmental Film Festival’s, the 2006 Green Festival, the 2006 Takoma Park Film festival, The 2007 Urban Film Series- Black Docs-at the E Street Theater, and the 2007 Princeton Library Film Festival. The video has run extensively on D.C. Ch. 16- Office of Cable and Television-Washington, D.C., Montgomery Cable, Fairfax Cable and numerous other cable broadcast stations around the world.

Todd continues to travel internationally, having developed video training and outreach programs for the American Bar Association’s CEELI program in Uzbekistan, Croatia, Albania and Prague. His recent work in Africa includes: The Roots Festival in The Gambia and several economic development video programs in Tanzania, including his original in-progress documentary, One Hour from the Summit, which chronicles the climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro by a group of primarily African American climbers from the Metropolitan D.C. area.

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