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Film Permit Fees and Payment Options


Please do not pay any fees until your permit application is approved. Additionally, we do not accept payments via mail, courier, or express mail service. We do not receive or process payments in our office.

Permit fees are payable only after your application is approved, but in advance of filming or issuance of an aerial support letter.

  • There is a one time (per project) application fee
  • There is a one time (per project) first day fee (based on cast and crew size)
  • There are additional day fees added for each day after your first day (up to the per project cap for your cast/crew size).
  • The following fee schedule (effective March 1, 2010) remains effective as of 2021:
Fee First Day Each Additional Day Per Project Cap
Application Processing Fee $30 - $30
Film Permit (less than 10 cast and crew) $150 $50 $500
Film Permit (10–39 cast and crew) $300 $100 $1,500
Film Permit (40–69 cast and crew) $450 $150 $3,000
Film Permit (more than 70 cast and crew) $600 $200 No Cap
Still Photography $150 - $150
Student Film Permit
(insurance required)
$0 - $0

The fees are for film permits and the processing of aerial support letters issued by OCTFME only. These fees do not apply to additional permits, fees, certifications, or licenses required by other District of Columbia or Federal agencies for your production activity. Please refer to our insurance requirements, and road closures/police section which may weigh into your total costs.

A 'project' may be defined several ways depending on the type of shoot you are involved with. If it's a series, a project encompasses one season. If its a recurring new special with different locations/subject matter, a project will only cover each episode. If its an annual special, a project covers 1 special only.

Fee Waivers

  • Our $30 application fee is only waived for student productions.
  • No reductions or waivers are authorized for our permit fees for any type of non-profit, educational, religious, or charitable organization.
  • No other class of organization is authorized for any reduction or waiver of our application or permit fees.


Once your permit application is approved, you will receive an invoice with a link to pay online. The Office of Cable Television, Film, Music & Entertainment (OCTFME)  accepts MasterCard and Visa only. 

In order to pay by cash or check, the payment will have to be made in person at the DDOT/DCRA Cashier’s Office. This process is time consuming. The Cashier’s Office is located at: 1100 4th Street, SW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20024. The Cashier’s Office is open Monday through Friday, 8:15 am to 4:30 pm and can be reached at (202) 727-4829.


Please review your permit request thoroughly, as all permit transactions are final.