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Parking - DC Film

Like most major metropolitan cities -- parking can be chanllenging in DC. This office--working closely with the District's Department of Transportation--works to explore available options and alternatives given the increasingly high demand for parking spaces in the city.

We can usually find a way to make your request work as long as your request doesn't pose any apparent safety risks. We do ask that your production arrange for in one of the city's many garages, surface lots, satellite parking, Metro, etc. whenever feasible. And we can strongly support any greener alternative you might want to explore.

For those productions that absolutely require pubparking, please contact us and apply as soon as possible so that we can work with other city agencies, community groups, residents and businesses to lessen the impact as much as possible.

We will, however make every effort to find free spaces for your show, but we should stress that even with a permit and posted parking signs, this office has no means of enforcement. The city's department of public works, transportation, and police are all empowered to write tickets for illegally parked vehicles in your spaces. After a ticket is issued, you can contact the department of public works to request a tow.

Under the city's regulations, you should know that parking requests for tv and film/media requests are on only valid for commercial vehicles (box trucks, grip, electric, AV etc) with commercial tags. Tractor Trailers and other equipment outside of the standard car or truck may be subject to other city regulations - please alert us to any vehicles or equipment that aren't a car or truck.

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) must approve any requests for parking exceptions (i.e. rush hour waivers, loading zones, parking in "no parking or loading zones", etc.)

Volume is higher during particular times of the year, so you should try to submit your request to us at least:

  • Seven (7) full days prior to the first day of parking when requesting commercial parking only; or
  • Fourteen (14) full days prior to the first day of parking when requesting residential, large footprints, or special exemptions/waivers and of course road closures.