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DECEMBER 2021 Hearings - Council of the District of Columbia

12/01/21 - Mark-Up, Committee on Housing and Executive Administration, Anita Bonds, Committee Chair

12/02/21 - Public Hearing, Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, Charles Allen, Committee Chair

12/02/21 - Mark-Up, Committee on Recreation, Libraries and Youth Affairs, Trayon White, Sr., Committee Chair

12/06/21 - Legislative Media Briefing, Council of the District of Columbia, Phil Mendelson, Chairman

12/06/21 - Public Hearing, Committee on Transportation and the Environment, Mary Cheh, Committee Chair

12/07/21 - Additional Meeting, Committee of the Whole, Phil Mendelson, Chairman

12/07/21 - Nineteenth Legislative Meeting, Council of the District of Columbia, Phil Mendelson, Chairman

12/09/21 - Public Hearing, Committee of the Whole, Phil Mendelson, Chairman

12/09/21 - Public Hearing, Committee on Human Services, Brianne Nadeau, Committee Chair

12/09/21 - Public Hearing, Committee on Recreation, Libraries and Youth Affairs, Trayon White, Sr., Committee Chair

12/15/21 - Public Hearing, Committee of the Whole, Phil Mendelson, Chairman

12/15/21 - Public Hearing, Committee on Housing and Executive Administration, Anita Bonds, Committee Chair

12/15/21 - Mark-Up, Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, Charles Allen, Committee Chair

12/15/21 - Mark-Up, Committee on Business and Economic Development, Kenyan McDuffie, Committee Chair

12/16/21 - Public Hearing, Committee of the Whole, Phil Mendelson, Chairman

12/16/21 - Public Hearing, Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, Charles Allen, Committee Chair

12/17/21 - Joint Public Hearing, Committee on Transportation and the Environment, Mary Cheh, Committee Chair; Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, Charles Allen, Committee Chair & Committee on Business and Economic Development, Kenyan McDuffie, Committee Chair

12/20/21 - Mark-Up, Committee on Housing and Executive Administration, Anita Bonds, Committee Chair

12/21/21 - Regular Meeting, Committee of the Whole, Phil Mendelson, Chairman

12/21/21 - Twentieth (Additional) Legislative Meeting, Council of the District of Columbia, Phil Mendelson, Chairman