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DC Reel-Crew

The Office of Cable Television, Film, Music & Entertainment maintains an online production support crew and vendor services referral service resource enabling the District's film industry workforce, vendors, and production support service companies the opportunity to market themselves to the industry. If you would like to have your information made available to production companies filming in the District and seeking top crew up or identify production service providers, register for DC Reel-Crew if you are an individual contractor or service provider. Register for DC Reel-Vendor if you represent a company that provides production support services.



REGISTER: If you would like to add your information to the DC Reel-Crew referral system, click on the REGISTER CREW button below.

FIND CREW: If you are a production company seeking to crew up and would like to search our browse the DC Reel-Crew registry to identify qualified local crew, click on the FIND CREW button below.